Monday, March 29, 2010

Restaurant Design

This is a restaurant project that I designed with a partner. This restaurant is located in San Francisco, California. The food type given was California Cuisine, which relates to the name of the restaurant, The Local Secret. The Local Secret is an upscale restaurant of refined design and modern elegance.

The bubble plan (top left) shows how the main dining is the heart of the restaurant. Every room should be able to connect to this room since this is the main part of the restaurant. Off the main dining there are two private dining rooms, a lounge/bar area and the kitchen.

The two left drawings are views of “The Porch,” one of the two private dining areas. The top right drawing shows the intimate dining section of the restaurant. The bottom right shows the lounge and bar area where customers can come wait for their table or drink a cocktail.

The left side shows the materials that will be used throughout the restaurant. This view is of the main dining area, a great place to come relax, eat and socialize with friends.